Data Sheets & Downloads

Data Sheets & Downloads

Data Sheets

Transcan DFR/PMU

Multifunction DFR/PMU/DDR equipment for collection and local storage of triggered events, continuous recordings, and phasor data.

9699 Transig Single Phase Remote CT Isolation

The 9699 model is a single-phase rail-mounted isolation transformer.

9701 Transig three-Phase Remote CT Isolation

The 9701 model is a plate-mounted 3-phase current transformer.

9769 Line Remote Isolation Module

The Mehta Tech, Inc. Line Remote Isolation Module (9769) is one of a series of passive transformers for current signals and fused protection for the voltage. The 9769 is designed for interconnection directly into a 5 Amp CT secondary circuit.

9766 DFR Remote Isolation & Fusing Module

The Mehta Tech, Inc. DFR Remote Isolation & Fusing Module (9766) is one of a series of passive transformers for current signals and fused protection for the voltage. The 9766 is designed for interconnection directly into a 5 Amp CT secondary circuit.

9770 Transformer Remote Isolation Module

The Mehta Tech, Inc. Transformer Remote Isolation Module (9770) is one of a series of passive transformers for current signals and fused protection for the voltage. The 9770 is designed for
interconnection directly into a 5 Amp CT secondary circuit.

Software Downloads

Links to the latest Mehta Tech TRANSCAN software revisions.

TRANSCAN Master Station Software

DFR Ethernet Interface driver & S/W

USB port driver, DFR Rev.B & IPCU 2